

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together...but let us encourage one another..." ~Hebrews 10:24-25

Our Purpose:

  • To bring together young adults from Year 9 through to age 25 who have a common purpose in seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ,

  • To study the Word of God for application to everyday living,

  • To come together in faith, fun, and fellowship,

  • To partner in sharing our faith to the world,

  • And to practice the gospel values of love, justice and peace by serving others in Jesus name.


We have various events and programs available to our youth and young adults:

94 London Street:
Friday & Saturdays Youth Group 7-9pm
Sunday Life Group 12:30-2pm

Instagram: @hcsa_youth
Facebook: HCSA Youth
For more information contact: Rachel 021 225 8414 or Britney 022 018 3713

If you are interested in finding out more about our Youth & Young Adults Community, please send us your details below and we'll contact you as soon as we can.