Sunday Service

Join us each week at 99 London Street at 10:30am.


Kids’ Church runs alongside our worship meeting during school terms.

HCSA Families and Children can also continue to connect with each other via Facebook.  If you want to know more, please click on the links below:   

Ham City Sallies Mini Kids - For Pre-schoolers   

Ham City Sallies Kids’ Church - For school years 1 to 6   

Ham City Sallies Tweens - For Intermediate aged children 

SUNday in the Park

Sunday, 9th February 2025

HCSA Online now consists of the pre-recorded sermon from the previous Sunday. This will be accessible to people from around 5pm each Tuesday following the service, through YouTube and the HCSA website, including the ability to watch the content at any time in the future, as convenient.

If you are aware of people within our Community of Faith who do not have access to this message, please take the opportunity to let them know when and where we meet and about our online messages.

If you have any questions concerning Sunday morning worship, please contact our reception - 07 834 7000