We’ll see you again in March 2025
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP is a monthly meal and speaker event and a great place to mix and be informed of issues and happenings in our community. Join us for Christian Fellowship, a hearty meal and engaging conversation.
When: MonDAY, 3rd MARCH - 6:00pm - $15 per person
Where: 99 London Street
“From business to charity – people helping people”
Some careers proceed in a straight line – anything but for – Mike Rolton former Fletcher Challenge and Waikato Tainui fisheries manager. After gaining diplomas in coaching and sports management he was hoping for a new career coaching rugby and cricket. He was asked to help restructure Hamilton Society of St Vincent de Paul. Opting for a short term change Mike Rolton transformed the rebranded “Vinnies” into a million dollar non profit business and is still at the helm 14 years later.
“I can make a difference to someone’s life every day of the week.
For the woman who comes in with a black eye and split lip and hungry kids. For the kids who come in, in the middle of winter, with clothes you could spit through and no shoes. That’ a driving motivation.”